Beauregard Parish Fair
October 1 - 5, 2024
**Times subject to change due to weather or emergency.

September 21, 2024 at the Beauregard Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall
Entry Fee for contestants will be $60.
**Deadline to enter is Thursday, September 19, 2024**
NO Door Entries will be taken!
Entry Fee will be paid when Online Pageant Form is Submitted.
Questions? Call 337-224-3208
Website: www.beauregardparishfair.com
Registration begins at 9:00 AM Competition: 10:00 AM
0-11 mths Western Outfit of Choice Infant Miss
12-17 mths Western Outfit of Choice Baby Miss
18-23 mths Western Outfit of Choice Tot Miss
2 years Western Outfit of Choice Toddler Miss
3 years Western Outfit of Choice Mini Miss
4-5 years Western Outfit of Choice T’Nincy Miss
6-7 years Western Outfit of Choice Tiny Miss
Contestants will be judged on Beauty – Personality – Overall Appearance
Registration begins at 1:00 PM Competition: 3:00 PM
** Start Time subject to change**
8-9 years Formal Pageant Wear Little Miss
10-11 years Formal Pageant Wear Petite Miss
12-13 years Formal Pageant Wear Deb Miss
14-15 years Formal Pageant Wear Junior Miss
16 years Formal Pageant Wear Teen Miss
19-23 years Formal Pageant Wear Ms.
24 years & Up Formal Pageant Wear Lady
Contestants will be judged on Beauty – Poise & Modeling – Overall Appearance
****TEEN Miss Division****
Contracted Title: Teen Miss is CLOSED to Beauregard Parish and Ward 9 (Rosepine).
You can be 16 Years of age or a Junior in High School.
Teen Contestants may NOT be a Senior in ANY High School during the 2024-2025 school year.
Interviews for Teen Miss will begin at 2:00. Attire will be fair shirt & jeans.
Queen & Princess to be crowned in ages 0 to 16 Years.
Queens will receive a gorgeous Custom Crown & Monogrammed Banner
Alternates will receive Medallion.
Side Awards: Best Fashion, Prettiest Hair, Most Beautiful,
Prettiest Eyes, Best Smile, & Photogenic
Photogenic Competition:
Each division will have a photogenic winner.
Photos can be black & white or color.
No LARGER than 8x10. No picture frames.
Photos MUST be labeled on the back with name, age, and division.
Please bring Photo on the day of the pageant. Do NOT mail.
General Information & Guidelines
Entry Fees are accepted online when registration form is submitted.
Hair & Make-up should be age appropriate and natural.
Attire can include stoning and sequins. No Bellies Please!
Jeans can be altered to complete outfits.
Admission: $5 for EACH person ages 5 & up (4 & under free)
Everyone pays but the contestant. NO exceptions.
Please advise your guests.
Bad sportsmanship will not be tolerated.
You will be asked to leave with no refund of fees.
Judges will be qualified and not from this area.
Judges' decisions are final. No Refunds.
Only one person is backstage with the contestant. Contestants who are in conflict with this rule may be disqualified at the director’s discretion. It is important to keep the backstage area orderly for the competition to run smoothly.
We appreciate your cooperation with this rule.
Score sheets will be returned to the contestants Parent or Guardian ONLY!
Score sheets will be available for pick up following crowning.
Score Sheets are $2 at the time of pick up.
All Queens are required to attend events the week of October 1st thru 5th.
We ask that the girls wear their crown & sash to these events.
While holding a Beaufair title, you will be expected to carry yourself respectfully.
Not only will you be representing the Beaufair pagent, but you will also be representing the Beauregard Parish Fair.
Events: October 1st: Ride in the Fair Parade (Must provide their own vehicle). Directly after the parade, all Queens need to report to the Pavilion to be presented during the Queen Beaufair Pageant which begins at 8:00PM.
Additional events will be announced.